Youth & Young Adults Pastor
Hey! My name’s Ben.
Ange and I began coming to this church in early 2024, and we have loved getting to be part of what God is doing amongst the young people in this community. I have been learning about the ways of Jesus my whole life, but I remember during my teenage years that I was particularly struck with how God’s love for us is personal, unconditional and totally transformational. It’s my hope that I can reflect this love and shine his light for young people and others who are in need.
Before coming to CLCC, we were part of Parramatta Baptist Church and I was involved with a bunch of different ministries as part of the Pastoral Team there while I was studying at Morling College. I love listening to music, watching terrible movies and getting out into nature (whether it’s a sneaky beach trip or a walk through the bush). I also love drinking good coffee, chatting with old friends and meeting new people so if you ever want to catch up let me know!