Revolution Youth Term 3

This term at Revolution Youth we have a whole bunch of exciting stuff coming up. If you’re in years 6-12, make sure you come along and join us at 7:15pm each Friday of the school term as we have fun activities planned each week, good food, good people and a chance to hear more about who Jesus is. What more could you want?! Here you can see our plan for the term – get keen for lots of goodness!

Each week we meet at 18/252 New Line Road, Dural from 7:15-9:15pm.

If you’re keen to join us, make sure you get your parent/guardian to fill in this online Permission Form, and if you have any questions please feel free to get into contact with Ben at [email protected]. Hope to see you this term!

State Youth Camp – Coming up this Term!

As you can see, on the last week of the term we are going away on State Youth Camp – we’re super keen to head away together and would love to have you join us! State Youth Camp (SYC) is a great opportunity for highschoolers to connect with others their age, have some fun and grow in their relationship with God. SYC brings youth groups from all over NSW together for an amazing shared experience with God, with 3 nights of camping, activities, worship, prayer, teaching and relationship building. Hope you can join us!

More information on the camp can be found at and ways that you can register can be found below. Once you’ve registered, Ben will get into contact with more information about what to bring and how we will be travelling there and back.